In Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Stoughton singing school in 1774!

A new DVD-ROM with over 100 files, including 2 books, 2 audio albums and a one hour video.

This new edition was prepared by musicologist and music preservationist, Roger Hall, and includes a detailed Billings family genealogy, and the Facts and Fiction about Billings and The Stoughton Musical Society,
America's oldest existing choral society, organized on November 7, 1786.

This DVD-ROM contains two books, two audio albums and a one hour video.

First Book Contents:


PART ONE: William Billings - His Life and Music
1. Family Tree
2. Parents
3. Wife and Children
4. Occupations
5. Revolutionary Patriot
6. Singing Master and Composer

PART TWO: William Billings and Old Stoughton
7. The Singing School in 1774
8. The Stoughton Musical Society, 1786
9. First Tunebook
10. Second Tunebook
11. Chicago World's Exposition Concerts
12. Billings Tunes in Stoughton Concerts (1876-1986)



Set Piece: THE PLEASURES OF VARIETY - Homage to William Billings (1980) - music by Roger Hall

Canon: Come Let Us Sing (1993) - music by Roger Hall

Fuging Tune: MAJESTY ( from 1878 tunebook)

Hymn Tune: STOUGHTON (from 1770 tunebook)


This wordless tune, STOUGHTON, was published in the first Billings music collection, The New-England Psalm Singer. The tune was edited with an 18th century text by Roger Hall, and the new version was recorded in its
Premiere Performance by the Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus in their Bicentennial Concert
held in Stoughton, Massachusetts in November of 1986.



Additional items in the multimedia edition:

Second Book: Singing in Stoughton, 1762-1987 - by Roger L. Hall,
the former Historian for the Old Stoughton Musical Society,
with many illustrations (104 pages)


Two audio albums - compiled by Roger Hall:

01: "Best of William Billings" (AMRC CD 0001) - 20 audio tracks
with choral music by Billings plus several radio interviews on WGBH-FM in Boston
for the 200th anniversary of the Old Stoughton Musical Society in 1986
with Roger Hall, and David McKay.

02: "MAJESTY - Music by Williams Billings - 16 audio tracks
performed by the Old Stoughton Musical Society Chorus and several Massachusetts church choirs,
conducted by Roger Hall.

One hour video program:

"A Stoughton Musicfest" (produced by Roger Hall in 1990) -
includes the history of music in Stoughton, Massachusetts. Also featured is a short play:
"William Billings Teaches A Singing School" - a popular local actor portrays Billings in the play.
The music is sung by local singers and young students portraying singers from the Billings singing school in 1774.

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William Billings -
Father of American Choral Music









These CDs are available separately:

MAJESTY: Best of William Billings
(AMRC CD 0001)


"Chester" - Music in Old New England, 1778-1878
(AMRC CD 0041)

A radio documentary narrated by OSMS Historian, Roger Hall, with highlights from the Old Stoughton Musical Society's First Fall Music Festival in Bridgewater, Massachusetts on October 14-15, 1978. Composers include: William Billings, Bartholomew Brown, Jeremiah Ingalls, Samuel Capen, Lowell Mason, George Root, James Hewitt, and E.A. Jones.




"New Jerusalem" - The Stoughton Harmony
(AMRC CD 0047)

Music by Supply Belcher, William Billings, Samuel Capen, Stephen Foster,
Edward French, Jacob French, Roger Hall, Oliver Holden, *Jeremiah Ingalls,
Charles E. Ives, Edwin A. Jones, Daniel Read

*"New Jerusalem" by Jeremiah Ingalls was the most performed tune
by The Old Stoughton Musical Society between 1879 and 1979


To order these CDs from the Stoughton Choral Music Series-- click here









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