Film Music Review






"Hooray For Hollywood" -
Memorable Movie Music
(PTM 1057)


The DVD-ROM is only available at this site
to help support Film Music Review,
an online e-zine since 1998.

It was compiled by Roger L. Hall,
Film Music Historian and
Managing Editor of Film Music Review.

This disc the popular book
plus radio programs
and cable TV programs with Roger Hall as guest.

Disc Contents

01 Book: A Guide to Film Music

02 FMR information

03 Soundtrack Articles - Film Composer Tributes

04 Sammy Film Music Awards

05 Audio: Oscar Meets Sammy - Film Music on Radio

06 Audio: Film Songs and Soundtrracks on Radio

07: Video: Memorable Movie Music - Cable TV program

08: Video: Conversations on Film Music

"Hooray For Hollywood" - Memoriable Movie Music (PTME 1057)

This limited edition is available exclusively here and is playable on any CD/DVD player
but not intended for a DVD or Blu-ray player.

It is available for $25 USA orders or $50 for Overseas Air Mail shipments,
payable by credit card to PineTree Productions,
through safe and secure PayPal.

For orders in the USA, click the "Add to Cart" button and "Quantity" ONE time.

For orders outside of the USA, click the "Add to Cart" button and "Quantity" TWO times.

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mention this DVD-ROM title and
send your mailing address to:

Hooray For Hollywood DVD


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Film Music Review





See the list of
Sammy Film Music Awards

click here





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All Rights Reserved for original material on this website.